Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Joy from Sorrow

I have some friends, The Berberichs. They work at EIBC and have been so special to me from the day I met them. Ben and Sarah are amazing, God-fearing parents, and their kids (Jonah, Lydia, Fiona, Ruby and Lillian) are adorable!

I don't remember exactly when it was, but I found out that Ben and Sarah's three-year-old niece had cancer. She's been in my prayers from that moment on. It breaks my heart to hear stories like that, because, as you may know, my baby brother, Grady Paul, passed away in 2002 from a rare brain tumor called a Pineoblastoma. He was such a trooper and it was unbelieveably hard to watch him go.

This morning, precious Shaelynn Sue went to be with Jesus. Through the tears of my aching heart, there is a ray of hope. Jesus is holding on to darling little Shaelynn with all his might. She isn't hurting anymore. There is no more pain in her life!

It's the hardest thing in the world to watch a loved one, especially a young child, leave your life, but knowing the Jesus is in control is everything.

I love you Berberich's/Kelly's! You are still in my prayers in this hard time. Remember that God is faithful.


In Loving Memory of:

Grady Larson. Ben Ries. Doug Ruley. Shaelynn Kelly.

This picture was taken days before Grady went home to be with Jesus.

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